The qualification criteria for quality management personnel

Die Qualifikationskriterien für das Qualitätsmanagement-Fachpersonal sind aus den Anforderungen der DIN EN ISO 19011 abgeleitet.

QM Representativ:

  • The QM representatives (QB) know the principles, methods and procedures of quality management.
  • They help to establish and maintain a quality management system in their own company.

QM- Manager

  • Quality Managers (QM) have the qualification of Quality Representatives.
  • They have the competence to set up, apply and further develop a QM system.

QM Auditor:

  • Quality auditors (QA) are qualified on the basis of DIN EN ISO 19011 to plan, carry out, follow up and
  • Document internal and external audits of QM systems; documentation of internal and external audits of QM systems.